Hey Coward – Turn Your Fear of Public Speaking into Excitement!
You are probably reading this article because either you, or someone who you know has a fear of public speaking! No, I’m not a mind reader! The reason I can say this is with a high degree of certainty is because fear of speaking in public is extremely common.That’s probably why so many of my…
Read MoreSelf Confidence Building Exercise To Overcome A Fear of Public Speaking
If you believe that you are no good at public speaking, you are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy which will lead to anxiety and ultimately to embarrassment and failure. Instead, why not try these self-confidence building exercises and imagine yourself being at your very best.
Read MoreHow to be more confident – fire your fear of public speaking
If you have ever had an anxiety or panic attack at the thought of speaking in public, then you know how an emotional hijack feels. In this post, I’d like to share why it happens and how, by learning how to manage it, you can fire your fear of public speaking and become a more…
Read MoreSelf confidence is a choice – how to dismiss your demons
Public speaking can certainly be daunting. When faced with such an opportunity, it is tempting to concede to the words of our inner demons who tell us to say “I can’t” or “I won’t”, bit the truth is that self-confidence is a choice. Recently I had the pleasure of working with a group of young…
Read MoreA New Way to Become Fearless?
Recently I heard pop star Jessie J interviewed on BBC Radio 4. During the interview she talked about how the key to success was being fearless. She then went on to define what that meant for her. She explained that fearlessness was the acceptance that , making mistakes, getting things wrong, or being criticised by others were just…
Read MoreOvercoming Public Speaking Fear – Embrace Your Vulnerability
One of the most common reasons for public speaking nerves is our fear of making a mistake in front of others. Maybe we’ll dry up, or say something stupid or … In other words, we are scared to let others to see that we are anything less than perfect. Interestingly, some of the best…
Read MoreOlympic Lessons for Presenters Who Want to be the Best
The dust has settled on the London 2012 Olympics and the UK can get back to normal but are there any lessons for presenters from the 2012 Games? I could be negative and have a go at the professional BBC commentators who managed to entertain us with a vast selection of bloopers, contrived alliterations, uhms…
Read MoreAre You Afraid of People Looking at You?
I have had a number of presentation coaching clients who have avoided making presentations because of an acute fear of being looked or judged. The technical name for the fear of people looking at you is Scopophobia and can be a very debilitating. Whilst some cases need specialist 1:1 therapy, many find that simple techniques like…
Read MorePublic Speaking Anxiety – 7 Nervous Gestures And How To Tame Them
How To Keep Your Public Speaking Anxiety Under Wraps Public speaking anxiety is common when you start speaking, but your nervous gestures can give the game away to your audience. Here are the most common and most distracting ones along with preventative tips on how to reduce or eliminate them. Updated May 2017 1 )…
Read MoreNine awesome techniques for managing presentation and public speaking nerves
The most asked question I get is “how can I overcome my fear of public speaking”. In this post I want to share my top tips for managing your anxiety and encourage you to add yours. 1) Breathe! I know this one sounds like a no brainer, but when we are nervous, our breathing gets…
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