Tips for impromptu speaking – learn to trust yourself
I love it when readers leave comments and ask me to write about specific topics. Recently someone said, “Hey Gavin; your posts help me a lot, but I have a problem. I am awful at extemporizing when given a topic I don’t know anything about. It would be helpful if you wrote a post on it.” That’s…
Read MoreImpromptu speaking tips – part 2
In my last post I focused on the delivery side of an impromptu speech but what about the content? How do I stop by brain going blank and running out of things to say? Well here are two further technique to help you wow your audience ; Use the PEP model Position – Start…
Read MoreImpromptu Speaking Tips – Part 1
Delivering a prepared speech can be nerve-racking enough, the thought of being put on the spot to give a short speech without any preparation or advance warning can seem to some people like their worst nightmare. other people cope remarkably well with these situations so what can we learn from them? Well for a start…
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