PowerPoint Tips
PowerPoint Presentation Tips – How to Avoid Common Powerpoint Pratfalls
“How Not to Give a Slideshow Presentation Guest Post by the SlidePro a French PowerPoint Presentation Design Agency who share some great Powerpoint presentation tips If you ever dread either listening to or giving a PowerPoint presentation, it’s worth asking yourself why that is. Is it because you always find yourself bored when listing to…
Read MorePowerPoint Presentation Do’s and Don’ts
On 22nd May 2016 it will be PowerPoint’s 26th birthday! Sadly many people still ruin their presentations because they don’t know how to use powerful presentation tool properly. This article will help you create better PowerPoint Presentations.
Read MorePresentation Slide Design – Stop Animations Spoiling Your Presentation
PowerPoint, Keynote, and Skyrocket can create some excellent visual aids. Sadly, many presenters have never been taught the principles of presentation slide design. In this post, I’d like to focus on one element of presentation slide design called animation. Animation refers to the ability to control how the words and images on your slide appear. It allows you to…
Read MoreHow to Make a Great PowerPoint Presentation
Why do you think so many people still ask me to tell them how to make a good PowerPoint presentation? Surely by now everyone would have worked out that the typical corporate PowerPoint Presentations don’t work! Well apparently not, judging by the number of appalling examples I still see on a regular basis. My theory for…
Read MoreUsing Visual Aids – Ikea Replaces PowerPoint!
Whilst I am a fan of the intelligent and sparing use of PowerPoint and other presentation tools I am always on the lookout for great examples of presentations which use props to bring their messages to life. I recently came across this short 10 minute video on TED and I commend it to you. Hans…
Read MoreThe secrets of running workshops and successful seminars
When people ask me if running workshops and seminars is a good idea for their business, I usually say “It depends.” They are proven to strengthen relationships with existing clients and showcase your expertise to new ones. Seminars and workshops can also create a comfortable environment where existing happy customers can help you to “sell” your services…
Read MoreIs there a place for video in your presentation?
I recently had an inquiry from a reader regarding the embedding of my avoiding death by PowerPoint video. This got me thinking. I quite often use video clips within a presentation for a number of reasons. They are great for demonstrating a particular technique. Ever tried to explain how do do something using only words?…
Read MorePowerpoint and teaching English?
Today I had a response to my 7 minute video on preventing death by Powerpoint. The poster, a student teacher asked the following question: As a future teacher I will be using PowerPoint (e.g. for teaching grammar). As a topic for a course it could be useful for many people in my field…
Read MorePowerpoint design – to stand alone or not to stand alone!
My recent post about a bullet point heavy Web 2.0 presentation on slideshare tickled one of you to write in and say that, although they agreed with me as to how dull and wordy the slides were, they wondered why the presentation was getting lots of hits. Well I think you have to remember that…
Read MoreAlternatives to powerpoint for visual aids
Recently I have been looking at a couple of free on-line alternatives to Powerpoint for producing attractive and effective visual aids to support a presentation. There are now a whole host and how many will survive only time will tell. Thankfully this morning I found a great post that gives you links to 13 great…
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