Limiting Beliefs
How To Be A Better Speaker – Recognise Progress On Your Journey
If you want to be a better speaker, learn from my mistake Nobody becomes a better speaker overnight. Mastering the art of public speaking takes time and practice, but this means that, if your goal is to be a better speaker, every mistake or slip feels like a failure. Two years ago I decided to learn…
Read MoreWhat If You Were More Confident Than You Thought?
Want to look and feel more confident? Most of the people who come on my presentation skills training courses suffer, to some degree or other, with a fear of public speaking and would dearly like to feel more confident. I know this because they tell me things like: “I get this tremor in my voice…
Read MoreThe Benefits of Collaborative Presentation Development
Writing a presentation or speech on your own can be difficult and challenging but it doesn’t need to be. Involving other people can make the task much easier and less daunting along with a host of extra benefits. Let’s take a look at why collaborative presentation development makes sense, and explore various ways to enlist the support of others.
Read MoreHow to be More Confident – Develop Inverse Paranoia
Learning how to be more confident is the key that opens up a whole world of opportunities, but how do you do it? This post is the first in a series that will show you how. I’m starting with mindset because I believe it is one of the fundamental building blocks for confidence and…
Read MoreDont be afraid of spicing up your corporate presentations
Last night I was talking to a friend at my local Toastmasters public speaking club when he talked about his challenge to make his work presentations more engaging. It transpired that he had recently received feedback that his delivery at work was “a bit flat” when giving a corporate presentation. “I’d love to be able…
Read MoreHarnessing the power of self talk to improve your presentation skills
Learn how adding one word to your self talk can help you become a better presenter. Recently, at a networking event, I had the pleasure of speaking to lovely man called Peter Moore who runs a small domestic electricians business along with his son Russell. We were talking about public speaking and he was telling…
Read MoreHow to be authentic when you speak in public
Why being more authentic leads to speaking success Every time I run a presentation skills workshop I get asked questions like; What is the “right” way to present? Should I use humour? Should I move or stand still? My answer is always the same. “You have to learn how to be authentic.” You see I…
Read MorePrisoners of our own beleifs
In a slight digression from my normal posts, I’d like to share some thoughts about limiting beleifs and how they hold us back from realising our true potential, be that as a presenter, influencer, parent etc. I hope you enjoy this short (5min) audio podcast. Just make sure your speakers are turned on and click…
Read MoreYour Attitude Is Everything
By now, if you are a regular reader of this blog on selling and influencing tips you will have worked out that each day I aim to tackle a different theme related to sales, presentation skills and influencing and that I revisit each theme every week with a new post. I feel strongly that it…
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