Posts Tagged ‘presentation’
Presentation Handouts – DO’s and DON’T’s
As a presentation skills trainer and public speaking coach, I often get asked about how best to use handouts during a presentation. In this post, I’d like to share my responses to the most common questions my students ask on the topic of presentation handouts. Should I give out presentation handouts, before my talk so…
Read MoreBuilding humour into your speeches and presentations
Weaving humour into a speech can be a real challenge. In a earlier post I recommended that speakers avoid using jokes in favour of self-deprecating stories. Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Jan Jack of PerfectVerse who used to be a corporate secretary but is now a professional speech writer, speaker and comedian. Jan specialises in writing humorous…
Read MoreIf you have to use an auto cue or teleprompter
The other day I went into the studio to record some short video clips for my website. As part of the process I wrote three scripts and emailed them to the videographer so that they were loaded onto an auto-cue ready for the shoot. I don’t know about you but, despite having given thousands of…
Read MoreHow to be funny in a speech or presentation
Southampton based Presentation Trainer, Gavin Meikle gives some some great practical suggestions for how to write a humerous speech or presentation.
Read MoreIs there a place for video in your presentation?
I recently had an inquiry from a reader regarding the embedding of my avoiding death by PowerPoint video. This got me thinking. I quite often use video clips within a presentation for a number of reasons. They are great for demonstrating a particular technique. Ever tried to explain how do do something using only words?…
Read MorePowerPoint – When will they ever learn!
I was at a local business conference this morning and happened to be introduced to one of the speakers prior to the start of the meeting. During our chat we discussed his presentation and he said that he had been told to remove the pictures from his slides and replace them with words because this…
Read MoreDare to share your story.
A brief post about the power of personal stories in a speech or presentation
Read MoreiPad for presenters?
In have been living with my iPad for almost a month now and I thought you might be interested in my early experiences with this much hyped bit of gadgetry. I have used it at home and on the road and have performed a number of common tasks including checking and writing emails, reading books,…
Read MoreAn interesting presentation from TED – Malcolm Gladwell
One of the joys that the internet has brought to the world of public speaking is the abilityt to watch and replay some of the worlds best (and worst!) speakers online wherever you are in the world. My favourite site for this is TED ( The speakers on TED vary from good to outstanding in…
Read MoreImpromptu Speaking Tips – Part 1
Delivering a prepared speech can be nerve-racking enough, the thought of being put on the spot to give a short speech without any preparation or advance warning can seem to some people like their worst nightmare. other people cope remarkably well with these situations so what can we learn from them? Well for a start…
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