One of the sure-fire ways to impress your audience and unlock your passion is to develop the ability to deliver a presentation without recourse to notes or a script.   In this post I’d like to share the way I do it.

Step 1:  Write your speech out in full  (normal speaking speed is around 120-130 words per minute) and then print it out using a large point size e.g. 18 pt

Step 2: Read the speech aloud and time how long it takes.  (Also note any awkward language patterns or other “sticky bits” for later editing)

Step 3:  Repeat step 2!

Step 4:  Edit the speech based on your learnings from the previous rehersals

Step 5:  Try giving your speech aloud without the notes but have them available and refer to them when you forget your thread

Step 6:  Repeat step 5 a couple more times, noticing that each time you need to refer to your notes less and less. Repetition is a great way of grooving the content into your brain.

Step 7:  Give your speech for real and notice how great it feels to be free of your notes and therefore able to make and hold eye contact with your audience, use gestures etc.

This repeated rehearsal method certainly works well for me.   If you have an alternative please share it in the comments box or forum.



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