I heard a great presentation this morning in Southampton. I was attending the 4N Networking group and had the pleasure of hearing local accountant David Anderson give a ten minute insight slot on how to use tour financial reports to improve your business.

So what was it that made Davids talk stand out?

He had a great opening : “How would you like to make an extra £2000 this year?”  –

He kept his content simple: He focused in on 4 key ratios  that help to asses business health

His delivery was engaging: Despite using a script, he made excellent eye contact with us all, used appropriate gestures and vocal variety and he responded well to audience comments and questions

He had a strong memorable conclusion: He summarised to reinforce his key messages and he rewarded us with a fantastic cup cake made by his wife!

In short he implemented many of the suggestions I had made when I delivered my own 4sight speech at the Winchester group a couple of weeks earlier.   well done David.

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