
I have just finished reading Garr Reynolds fantastic book Presentation Zen and I just had to blog about it. Anyone who is serious about improving their presentations needs to read this book.


  1. It is well written and full of great quotes about what it takes to communicate effectively in todays information overloaded world.
  2. It is packed with many examples of effective visual aid design and so is a great source of inspiration for those of us who may struggle with the idea of having less text and more graphics in our slides
  3. It will inspire you to approach developing presentations in a different and much more effective way

Even though I already espouse most of the principles outlined by Garr, I still came away with a pile of ideas for how to make by presentations and the visual aids that support them even better. I also felt that the book inspired me to think and act much more creatively in everything that I do not just in terms of presentations.

I wish I had written this book but unfortunately I didn’t. Thankfully Garr Reynolds did and I know that millions of people will benefit as a result by not having to sit through quite as many text rich, low signal to noise ration presentations than they would have had to have done otherwise. Treat yourself – Buy this book and even more importantly put it’s principles into operation.

Go should also check out Garr’s Presentation Zen Blog

The Internet Presentation Coach

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