Why Laughter, Learning & Light Bulb Moments
Well, One morning, as I was setting of to run a workshop, my partner Lyn asked me what my “intention” was for the day and I replied, without really thinking about it – Laughter, Learning & Light Bulbs.
When she asked me what did I mean I replied ;
Laughter, because I want to have fun and I want my participants to have fun. We learn best when we are having fun and we re-access that “up state” when we recall the learning in the future. It’s a phenomenon called “state dependent learning”.
Learning because I want learning to take place not just from me to them, but from them to me and also amongst themselves.
Light Bulbs because I hope that at least once during the day, a they will each have one of those light bulb moments where you suddenly find a solution to a problem or a new way of behaving or a new understanding.
As I thought about it futher it occurred to me that this is not a bad mental paradigm for approaching everything we do. What do you think?