Presentation SlideDoes your presentation slide do the job it is supposed to do?

After having spent a couple of days helping presenters improve their presentations for forthcoming events I feel the need to propose a solution to a common mistake that many presentation slide designers fall into.

Many corporate presenters, including marketeers who really should know better, seem compelled to put far too much information on their slides.  The result is a data dump that takes up valuable audience  thinking time decoding when that time would be better spent listening to the presenter.

The solution is a simple one.  Just ask the following question of each and every presentation slide in your deck.

  • What’s the real message I am trying to communicate with this slide and is it really clear to my audience in a glance?

If  you can’t immediately articulate the point of the presentation slide, simplify it!

For more tips there are some great books out there.    Presentation Zen and Slideology are two of my favourites.

Gavin Meikle
The Presentation Doctor

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