The experts say that most of us use less than 10% of the capacity of our brains,
but how do we access the other 90%?

Mind Mapping Training


Mind mapping is a planning, learning and note taking tool that combines the logical, analytical powers of the left side of our brain with the imaginative, creative and artistic right side. The result is a clearly demonstrable increase in creativity, overview and recall.

Our training programmes will typically help you to :

  • Improve your recall of key information
  • Develop the ability to get an overview and “see the wood” behind the “trees”
  • Learn the core techniques needed to start mind mapping effectively.
  • Develop the ability to tailor the basic technique to your own style.
  • Practice using mind mapping as a planning and outlining tool for both personal and professional benefit.

Imagine the impact that even a 10% improvement in your planning or creativity could make to your business? How much would that be worth to you? We have been using this technique for more that twenty years and it has proved invaluable in many different situations such as;

  • Planning presentations and training sessions.
  • Writing speeches and talks.
  • Weekly and daily planning.
  • Organising events including parties, weddings and conferences.
  • Getting an overview of large scale projects.
  • Planning phone calls.

How much does it cost?

Costs vary dependent on a number of factors including location, number of people & course duration.  Give us a call and we will do our best to find a cost effective solution to meet your needs.


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